


姓名:邴健Jian Bing

职称:青年副研究员Vice Associate Professor


办公地点:mg4355娱乐线路检测官网D509Room D509School of life Sciences, Fudan University




  1. 念珠菌形态发育和致病性调控网络研究。

  2. 念珠菌耐药机制与进化研究。

  3. 超级真菌流行病学与防控诊治研究。

Epidemiology and prevention and control of human pathogenic Candida species, studying the molecular basis of drug resistance and morphological development of pathogenic Candida species

  1. Morphological development and pathogenesis regulation network of Candida genus.

  2. Mechanism and evolution of drug resistance of Candida genus.

  3. Epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of super fungi Candida auris.



近年来,在多重耐药性“超级真菌”耳念珠菌感染机理及防治方面取得了重要的进展。以第一作者在PLoS pathogensCurrent BiologyEmerging infectious diseasesEmerging Microbes & InfectionsAntimicrob Agents Chemother等国际著名杂志上发表了一系列水平文章,Cell Host & Microbe等杂志和Faculty of 1000 网站介绍和评论过这些文章。

Bachelor's degree (2007-2011), Beijing University of Chemical. Technology; Doctor's degree (2011-2016), Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Assistant professor (2016-2019), Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Vice Associate Professor (2019-present), School of life Sciences, Fudan University.

In recent years, significant progress has been made in the mechanism and prevention of multi drug resistant "super fungi" Candida auris infection. As first author, I have published a series of high-level articles in internationally renowned journals such as PLoS pathogens, Current Biology, Emerging infectious diseases, Emerging Microbes & Infections, and Antimicrobial Agents Chemistry. These articles have been introduced and commented by Cell Host & Microbe and the Faculty of 1000 website.



Microbial Molecular Genetics and Metabolism


1国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(2021-2023),主持Youth Fundation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2021-2023)host

2国家自然科学基金面上项目(2022-2025),主持General Program and one Youth Fundation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(2022-2025)host

3国家重点研发计划病原学与防疫技术体系研究专项(2022-2025),参与National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022-2025)participant


  1. Bing J#, Guan Z#, Zheng T, Zhang Z, Fan S, Ennis CL, Nobile CJ, Huang G*, 2023. Clinical isolates of Candida auris with enhanced adherence and biofilm formation due to genomic amplification of ALS4. PLoS Pathog, 19(3): e1011239.

  2. Du H#, Bing J#, Xu X#, Zheng Q, Hu T, Hao Y, Li S, Nobile CJ, Zhan P, Huang G*, 2023. Candida vulturna Outbreak Caused by Cluster of Multidrug-Resistant Strains, China. Emerg Infect Dis, 29(7): 1425-1428.

  3. Fan S#, Zhan P#, Bing J#, Jiang N, Huang Y, Chen D, Hu T, Du H, Huang G*, 2021. A biological and genomic comparison of a drug-resistant and a drug-susceptible strain of Candida auris isolated from Beijing, China. Virulence, 12(1): 1388-1399.

  4. Tian S#, Bing J#, Chu Y#, Chen J, Cheng S, Wang Q, Zhang J, Ma X, Zhou B, Liu L, Huang G, Shang H*, 2021. Genomic epidemiology of Candida auris in a general hospital in Shenyang, China: a three-year surveillance study. Emerg Microbes Infect, 10(1): 1088-1096.

  5. Bing J#, Hu T#, Zheng Q, Munoz JF, Cuomo CA, Huang G*, 2020. Experimental evolution identifies adaptive aneuploidy as a mechanism of fluconazole resistance in Candida auris. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 65(1): e01466-01420. (F1000推荐文章)

  6. Bing J#, You Z#, Zheng Q#, Tang J, Ran Y*, Huang G*, 2019. Biological and genomic analyses of a clinical isolate of Yarrowia galli from China, Current Genetics, 66(3): 549-559.

  7. Yue H#, Bing J#, Zheng Q, Zhang Y, Hu T, Du H, Wang H, Huang G*, 2018. Filamentation in Candida auris, an emerging fungal pathogen of humans: passage through the mammalian body induces a heritable phenotypic switch, Emerg Microbes Infect, 7(1): 0-188.

  8. Wang X#, Bing J#, Zhen Q#, Zhang F, Liu J, Yue H, Tao L, Du H, Wang Y, Wang H*, Huang G*, 2018. The first isolate of Candida auris in China: clinical and biological aspects, Emerg Microbes Infect, 7(1): 0-93.

  9. Bing J#, Han P, Liu W, Wang Q, Bai F*, 2014. Evidence for a Far East Asian origin of lager beer yeast, Current Biology, 24(10): R380-R381.